We'd go out on the weekend and I'd stop an excessive amount of times to take a photo. Or ask him to take a photo...which would turn into "take another one from this angle" "wait, i'm going to go there you stay here and take it from this angle" "why didn't you tell me my scarf wasn't right" etc etc and you can imagine my not-so-Instagram-husband wasn't happy. Not going to lie, it was exhausting and ruining the precious time F and I got to spend together. I was stuck in this rut of "doing it for the gram" or making a beautiful moment into a "I need to capture the perfect photo for Instagram."
What I didn't realise is that F had actually liberated himself from the reigns of social media and, I, well, I was addicted.
So when it finally dawned on me (to be honest, deep down I knew this for a very long time but like any addiction, the first step is admittance) I took what was meant to be a short break but has turned into one I don't want to go back from. I feel free, happy, liberated. My mental health has improved and I finally feel like i'm able to live in the moment and appreciate what I am experiencing through my eyes, heart and soul, and not my camera. Not going to lie, I do miss Instagram and engaging with you guys.
But, I'm still here, and my plan is to start writing and sharing more with you guys through this platform. If you've come on the site recently you may have noticed that the shop is on a bit of a break at the moment (please forgive me for not giving any notice, I was going a little insane and desperately needed a break from everything) but it'll be back up soon inshAllah.
In the mean time, I invite you all to take a break from social media even just for a couple of days or a week. Liberate yourself. Live the moment.
Love, Naeema